Summer and Dental Care

Summer and Dental Care

It’s finally summer which means fun summer activities and scorching heat. To some of us it means days off from school, to others it means fun activities and trips to the beach. But what does it mean for your teeth?

Here are a few things to keep in mind in the hot season.

Stay Hydrated

Of course, being hydrated is important no matter what the season, but especially in the summer seasons. In the heat you could get dehydrated pretty quickly. Without drinking water throughout the day. Staying hydrated and taking sips of water throughout the day will prevent tooth decay and plaque.


Skip the ice

In the heat of the summer it is easy to munch on some ice to cool down. But it is also bad for your teeth. Sucking on ice is okay for your teeth but the problem lies in chewing. When you chew on ice you are putting your teeth at risk of cracks and compromising any fillings and crowns.


Snack Healthy

Summer and sweets come hand in hand. So to avoid getting too much unhealthy sweets that ruin your teeth, choose healthier alternatives. Instead of soda and its unhealthy acidity, you can choose to go for juices and fresh smoothies. And for a dose of sweetness, keep your kitchen stocked with fresh fruits for a healthy dose of sugar.


Don’t forget to brush

In the hype of activities and fun, it is easy to forget to brush your teeth. Make sure you brush your teeth at least twice a day and directly after swimming to keep your teeth erosion-free and healthy.


Keep Your Teeth Safe

Sports and activities are the best part of summer, but remember to be careful while trying those fun activities. It is easy to get hurt during such activities and end up with a broken tooth. For athletes, don’t forget to wear a mouth guard. Practice caution!


Check Up Time!

And finally, and most importantly, schedule your dentist appointments at the beginning of summer not at the end. Many people choose to go for their checkups after summer. But it is better if you get your chekups before the beginning of the season of vacations and activities. Nothing is worse than having a toothache when you’re supposed to have fun.


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